Powering high performing public transport networks

Bus networks of all sizes use CitySwift’s Performance Optimisation Platform to solve problems with data. Our insights, recommendations, and predictions help operators and authorities deliver efficient, reliable, and in-demand services.

Trusted by the industry's most innovative bus networks


Quickly access data that holds the answer to your next problem.

For the first time ever, connect all of your data sources to build an ecosystem of insights across your bus network. Make decisions with confidence, by simulating scenarios based on high-quality and reliable data.


Balance supply with demand, without compromising your service and success.

Access up-to-date insights anytime, anywhere and know exactly what you need to do to cater to the demand in your network. Develop a strategy based on this dependable, always-on data and pave the way for big data in the bus industry.

Why CitySwift?

Data is the future of the bus industry.

Data Quality

of insights

CitySwift’s dedicated engine will collect, analyse, clean, and connect your bus data with ease. For the first time, replace guesses and be empowered to make data-led decisions with confidence.


Combined world of bus & data

We come from a background of real-world bus industry experience. We merge this industry experience with deep knowledge of data science, to give bus networks the best of both worlds.


Focus on movement patterns

CitySwift’s platform is focused on the passenger and what they need and want – origin destination flows, demand based frequency and demand forecasting.


Measurable return, fast

Access insights any time, anywhere, and deliver measurable return – whether it’s improved reliability and punctuality, cost savings, additional profit, or better allocated resources for your bus network.

Data Quality

of insights

CitySwift’s dedicated engine will collect, analyse, clean, and connect your bus data with ease. For the first time, replace guesses and be empowered to make data-led decisions with confidence.


Combined world of bus & data

We come from a background of real-world bus industry experience. We merge this industry experience with deep knowledge of data science, to give bus networks the best of both worlds.


Focus on movement patterns

CitySwift’s platform is focused on the passenger and what they need and want – origin destination flows, demand based frequency and demand forecasting.


Measurable return, fast

Access insights any time, anywhere, and deliver measurable return – whether it’s improved reliability and punctuality, cost savings, additional profit, or better allocated resources for your bus network.


Offer reliable, punctual, and faster journeys that drive patronage and satisfaction.

CitySwift’s AI-powered runtimes are designed to optimise bus networks for punctuality and reliability, driving more passengers to the bus and growing networks everywhere.

“CitySwift has an underlying knowledge of the public transport business. They are not just another IT company saying, ‘Oh, we know how to use big data and we’re sure we know how it can apply to you.’ They actually know how it can be applied effectively.”

Andy Foster, Deputy Commercial Director, National Express


Strengthen relationships with your stakeholders using a single data source.

Whether your stakeholders are based inside or outside of your organisation, ensure you are all working from a common data set.


Deliver a convenient service that attracts people to the bus.

Optimised transport networks get rid of cars from the roads, reducing congestion and improving cities as people move more freely, efficiently, and easily.

Grow your transport network today

CitySwift's Performance Optimisation platform has powered millions of journeys that delight passengers.