We're pleased to announce our latest eBook, 'Beyond Covid: Building Back Better' – an in-depth look at how Covid-19 has affected public transport and how industry leaders see opportunities to rebuild for a brighter future.
Our data experts have probed information from countries, cities and communities worldwide to understand and learn from their responses to Covid-19.
Our data experts have probed information from countries, cities and communities worldwide to understand and learn from their responses to Covid-19.
As the pandemic has evolved, it’s sometimes too easy to become caught up in events closer to home. But the experiences of public transport operators further afield are important to take on board and can sometimes offer insights and ideas that are highly applicable elsewhere.
The eBook examines what happens to public transport around the world in the wake of coronavirus.
It considers:
• What has changed as a result of the pandemic and how that might influence attempts to rebuild public transport patronage and revenues.
• Some of the positive legacies from the crisis, such as the increased adaptation of data and new technologies.
• The wider policy environment in which public transport resides and whether public transport can be a beneficiary of a period of change.
The public transport sector has been rocked by the coronavirus pandemic, but it has risen to the challenge. It has continued to provide its services to key workers, and others, when and where they are required. During this crisis, public transport professionals have demonstrated their dedication and agility. Covid can be the beginning of a positive new chapter for the sector.
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